The other night we had a friend over for dinner. I baked a cobbler using a recipe I found in Southern Living a couple of years ago. It is a great recipe because it is so simple and easy to make. Other than the fruit, the ingredients are all items you would normally have on hand. The recipe is for a blackberry cobbler, but this time I also added some peaches. It was really good (especially with some Blue Bell vanilla ice cream!). You can find the recipe

Wednesday was our anniversary, so I stopped by Peace O' Cake Cupcakes and picked up some yummy cupcakes to celebrate. Peace O' Cake has different flavors everyday, and this time I picked "Raider Red Velvet" and "Milly Vanilly." They were really good! For more information and flavors, you can go to their
I should not have read your blog when I was hungry b/c the pictures made my mouth water! Good luck eating in Washington D. C.